In The Community Winners Circle Autos |

$10,000 WINNER
"No better to celebrate 10 great years of returning customers like giving back!"
To celebrate our 10 year Anniversary we at Winner's Circle Auto Center decided to give back to one of our lucky customers. In
appreciation of all of your loyalty we had a drawing for $10,000! The night was a great success thanks to all of your support.
Congrats Dane Steube!
Facebook Posts
We want to see all of our customers in their vehicles they have purchased from us!
Post a creative photo of you and your vehicle on our Facebook wall to get the chance
to win a $25 Gift Certificate to Valentino's, Olive Garden, Texas Roadhouse and many more!
The photo with the most "LIKES" will win FREE food at the end of the month! We will be doing
this Every month this year in 2013! Send your photos in, and don't forget to share
our page and get creative!
"Smash out Breast Cancer"
For the month of October in 2012 Winner's Circle donated a van, painted it pink and raised money for
Breast Cancer Awareness! Winner's circle had people come out and take a hit at the pink van with a
sludge hammer to "Smash out Breast Cancer"! People came all month to donate money and hit the van!
Winner's circle loves giving back to the community by donating or fundraising for different
organizations all year round!
The American Red Cross
Winner's Circle is at it again!
For the month of December in 2012, we made a vow to give back to one of our community heroes. When
tragedy strikes The American Red Cross puts the pieces back together for countless families. In honor
of their selfless service we donated $50.00 from every vehicle sold during that month! We're proud
to present The American Red Cross our donation of $1,500.00! On behalf of Winner's Circle Auto Center,
it's employee's and customers, thank you American Red Cross!
"It's not about just selling vehicles for me,
it's about getting involved and helping out the community around you as well, to not only improve our community,
but improve Nebraska!" - Ryan Porter